Nigeria Air Force Cadet Training – List of Shortlisted Candidates for DSSC 2014 – (Batch A & B)

The list of successful candidates at the Nigerian Air Force Cadet Training DSSC Selection Board held at the Nigeria Air Force Base Kaduna from 20 to 26 November 2013 has been released.

All shortlisted candidates in Batch A are to report at 325 Ground Training Group, Nigerian Air Force Base Kawo, Kaduna on 5 January 2014 for cadet training, while successful candidates in Batch B are to report at same venue on 13 July 2014. Candidates on reserve are not to report for training until they are formally informed to do so.

Candidates are to come along with the following:
  • Original Credentials.
  • Two pairs of white vests and Navy blue shorts.
  • One blanket.
  • Two pairs of white canvas shoes.